"Organisations learn only through individuals who learn. Individual learning does not guarantee organisational learning. But without it no organisational learning occurs."
Peter Senge.

Influencing Stakeholders for Critical Business Outcomes
A 2 day in-house program which develops influencing skills and broadens the range of consulting styles for the participant to deliver highly effective projects. Professionals who have to consult and deliver to internal clients will gain particular value.
In fact, anyone who has to influence without direct authority will benefit from this highly practical and empowering program.
This can be run with existing teams or cross functional cohorts.
Call us for a more detailed chat about the program structure and its value to your organisation.

Knowledge Management Workshops
Workshop 1: Professional Development for KMers
Becoming a Conversation Architect - Dynamic Structured Conversation Techniques. The when, why, what and how.
For details click here.
(1 day)
Workshop 2
Aligning Knowledge Outcomes with Business Strategy.
(1 day, in-house)
Workshop 3
Building Knowledge Practice into Performance Management Process.
(1 day, in-house)
We can also help you develop your Knowledge Management Strategy. Call us to discuss any of your knowledge needs.
Upcoming Workshop: Monday 25th June 2018
Building a Learning Organisation - Foundations
Unlocking the potential of your not-for-profit through knowledge sharing.
Are you interested in helping your organisation capitalise on the knowledge and passion of your people to fully unleash your potential?