"Creativity involves breaking out of expected patterns in order to look at things in a different way."
Edward de Bono

Hack Event
This unique in-house one day event deconstructs complex key organisational issues through a human centred design structure that releases the latent creativity of your people.
Uncover and leverage you peoples' creativity to innovate your organisation
Up to 5 key complex organisational issues
Up to 50 people
Your people will think very differently about key complex organisational issues
Your people will be fully engaged in co-creating the solutions & motivated to make them happen
You can attack up to 5 issues simultaneously - enabling alignment & synergies to be leveraged
You can convene diverse talent from different areas to promote cross silo collaboration & relationships
Teams will pitch their solutions on the day, ready to move straight into their prototyping & testing phase
Promote & support a culture of innovation (aligned to organisational strategy) from the bottom up.
Call us for a detailed chat about the event and possible tailoring to add value further to your organisation.

Optional 3 Month Prototype Alignment
After pitching their solutions on the day, teams move straight into the Prototyping Phase where their solution is tested.
While teams are provided with set-up and team deliverable templates we also provide the following optional facilitated Prototype Alignment sessions following the Hack Event to maintain momentum and ensure strategic and operational alignment of the different key issues being prototyped.
3 x monthly facilitated alignment sessions of 3 hrs each
Prototype Teams update each other on their progress - successes, failures and learnings
Overlaps, synergies and potential conflicts are identified between prototyping teams to ensure alignment and best use of resources
Alignment check against organisational strategy / business outcomes
Forum for leadership input & implementation support to be provided where appropriate
Call us for a detailed chat about the sessions and possible tailoring to add value further to your organisation.
Organisational Innovation Hack
Deconstructing key complex organisational issues through human centred design.
Are you interested in unlocking the creativity of your people to co-create innovative solutions that they are committed to implementing?